Sunday, March 18, 2018

Blog 4: Communication in Career and Technical Education (Skyline's Welding Program)

    Typically, I spend most of my teaching day in 30 x 30 classroom with no windows, so I often know little about what is happening outside the 200 building! Even in the hallway, I'm surrounded by nothing except other English teachers. Don't get me wrong--I like being a part of the English department, but occasionally, it's good to see other parts of the school and talk with friends and colleagues in other departments, so . . . this week, I decided to get out and about and find out what my friends in other disciplines are doing in professional writing and social media. As serendipity would have it, the first person I ran into was Mike Drobitsky, the welding teacher.  He invited me over to see what his kids are doing, and discuss professional communication with him. This turned out to be exactly what I was looking for (even though I didn't know it at the time)!

     Mike, or "D" as he often called by both colleagues and students, was teaching his Advanced Welding class when I stopped by. I was impressed by the work the students were doing. They all got to work on their respective projects right away with no long instructions from D. In fact, it looked more like a professional welding shop than a classroom because of the caliber of students. Over the past couple of years, D has obviously taught students the basics (safety, different types of welding, etc.), but he has also taught them to be self-starters. Not one single student was standing around, waiting for D to tell him/her what to do. Each seemed to have a mission, and was actively engaged in it. Listening to them talk, it was clear I had stepped into a unique discourse community. D and his students have a straight-forward communication style with each other, perhaps because they have worked together for the past 2 to 3 years, or because this is a no-nonsense type of environment. They have their own welding vocabulary (I would have understood more had I been in a World Language class!) and manner of interacting, which is very different from the stereotypical classroom environment. Of course, when working with fire and hot metal, it’s essential to get one’s point across the first time! Politeness and polite language take a backseat to keeping everyone out of the ER! Yet, this informal—dare I say, rough—style of communication is part of their discourse community and has nothing to do with lack of respect or manners. D and his student welders seem to like and respect each other—they understand the communication of the welding shop and even though it was a bit foreign to me (as someone from outside the discourse community), it works well for them.  

     The welding students work on a number of charity projects throughout the year. D pointed out some of the projects students had been working on. Last year, they made metal name plates for all the staff members at Skyline (I absolutely LOVE mine!); they made a barbecue/smoker for a barbecue champion on the professional circuit; they made special “rods” for  tying down wheelchairs for disabled athletes who throw discus. 

Students made nameplates for all Skyline High Staff

D is showing his students' work (BBQ)
Student heating metal in the forge

Specialized  "rods" for wheelchair-bound athletes, used to stabilize
wheelchairs when throwing discus

Students shaping hot metal; D supervises

Student working on his welding project

    As a teacher, I am in awe of  the work D and his students do. D is clearly passionate about what he does, and that passion has rubbed off on his students.  These students will leave high school as both high school graduates AND certified welders, which makes them immediately employable. That’s certainly more than I could claim after my high school graduation!

    As a student of rhetoric and writing, I am equally impressed with D’s use of social media to promote both his program at Skyline, as well as CTE (Career and Technical Education), in general. D has a Facebook page (Skyline High Weld Shop) and a newsfeed that goes to students and parents. D feels that communication is vital, in order to keep students and parents informed, as well as promote the work of his students. D notes that many people forget that the “C” in CTE stands for “Career.” In addition, too often, in the rush to teach “College and Career Readiness Skills” and increase the number of students attending college, “career” takes a backseat to “college” in far too many high schools. As a certified  welder, nationally certified teacher, and avid reader, D is working hard to change that, along with the stereotypes that surround many “blue collar” careers. One of the myths surrounding these career paths is that welders, mechanics, carpenters, plumbers, etc. don’t need to read; D dispels that myth right away. Embedded in his curriculum is a great deal of technical reading. The welder who can’t read is a safety hazard to himself and others. To be successful and 100% skilled, the welder must be able to read technical writing. 

     Students are more likely to use Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter than Facebook these days. However, none of those formats would meet the needs of D and his students in keeping a running record of students' accomplishments and conversations. These would be wiped away quickly in other venues. D’s reasons for having a Facebook devoted to his welding classes are multi-facted. Besides promoting the literacy aspects of CTE and keeping the “career” in CTE and the Az CCRS highlighted are parts of it. Another reason is to showcase (and maybe brag about, just a little) the work his students do. D uses the page as a positive public relations tool  for CTE, welding, and his students. Parents, students, friends (e.g., former CTE teachers) and administrators are the primary audiences of the Skyline High Weld Shop Facebook. The Facebook is open only to those who have been invited in, which keeps inappropriate comments and unintended audience participation to a minimum.


          Social media has been used  to keep students and parents up-to-date on important school-related information for the past decade or so. The use of Facebook pages to promote a high school program, however, is fairly new. Other than D, I don't know one single high school teacher who has a Facebook page devoted to his/her classes or program at my school. I applaud D and his students on their use of social media to promote the work they do!

      On a completely "social" note . . . D has two female students in his Advanced Welding class. It was fabulous to see them there! I mentioned to them that when I was in high school, girls weren't allowed in either welding or mechanics classes and, even if they had been allowed, most of us wouldn't have taken either class because of peer pressure. It just "wasn't something girls did" in the 1970's. :-(
 All I can say is . . .


 Next Week's Blog: Intercultural Communication

Works Cited


  1. Thank you Andi, this is a very nice write up! - - Mikey

  2. Hi Andrea! I’ll leave my comments and you can just take what you like and ditch the rest. I just hope to help you think about some things you might want to do when you edit.

    1) I like your pictures! Nice job! It might be better to separate them in the text a bit more or put fewer pictures so there isn’t that big picture gap.

    2) I like the angle you chose – to just go take a walk and have conversations with your coworkers. That’s a pretty cool experiment to see how social media is being used in your workplace. Good idea!

    3) I recommend using subheadings to help organize the content and keep the reader glued to the topic. It helps!

    4) You certainly did a good job of covering a lot of social media!

    5) I’d like to see lots more quotes from our readings and to see you tie them to the content in your blog.

    6) And then, of course, to provide citations at the end.
    Nicely done!

  3. Hey, Andrea, D sounds like a tremendous educator! You picked an interesting professional and have great visuals. A few things:

    Perhaps experiment with having text go around the photos (and I may not be seeing this because I’m confined to mobile right now). Or alternate text and visuals more frequently.

    You have a big chunk of commentary that somehow got formatted into one of your captions.

    I would be interested in a screenshot of his Facebook page and maybe introduce the social media aspect earlier. We get caught up in this exciting world of his welding class so much that the social media element seems added on. How can we make the social media part of the excitement, maybe part of the value of this class spilling over beyond the physical class meetings?

    You establish an appropriately quick pace at the beginning, conveying the joys of being in a different environment where kids seem ready to learn. The social media element lacks that enthusiasm. Of course, I think there’s good reason for that: it’s not as fascinating as the work his kids are doing. How can you merge the two a little more? Does his course’s Facebook page—something unique within the school—capture the essence of the class? You’re a good writer, so I think you can show this to us with words and pictures.

    Let me know if you need clarification on anything I wrote.

  4. Hi Andrea -

    I love that this blog post got you out and about exploring campus and fellow colleagues in different disciplines. I can relate to this because even though I love the English department at NAU, it is so nice to talk to people outside of the discipline. It also keeps me motivated to do my own work because our discourse is so versatile!

    The self-starter attitude that D teaches his students his so interesting. It seems like common sense, but I believe that students need to be taught this; he also seems to be promoting intrinsic motivation within students that allows for a productive learning/working environment. As you talk about, the skills D is teaching them now and that students are internalizing will take them far and help them secure a job outside of their academic work. They are interdisciplinary.

    D seems to include this in his social media use and promotion of student understanding technical reading and writing. I appreciate his perspective because I am currently writing content for a marketing company based in Flagstaff that creates web design and content for blue collar companies. I mainly write service pages and blog for plumbing companies. In addition, I understand why D emphasizes Facebook. He seems to have a solid understanding of how the platform can best serve the community he is working with.

    My suggestions for you include:
    - Making the white background consistent throughout the whole page
    - Take a little more time to elaborate on why women in courses like wielding are important, and possibly how that is communicated on the Facebook page - it is wonderful to see this
    - Instead of a photo of the Facebook post towards the end, consider taking a screenshot, so it is much more visible to your reader

    Overall, great job :-) This post was very enjoyable. Good luck on blog post five!


Blog 4: Communication in Career & Technical Education (Skyline Welding Program) REVISED

         Typically, I spend most of my teaching day is spent in a 30 x 30 classroom with no windows, so I often know little abou...